Upcoming Interest Meetings

June 22 6:15pm

June 23 10:15am

**All interest meetings will be held at our Wentzville Location in the ECLI classroom just inside our east entrance.**

Education for Personal Growth

Element Church Leadership Institute is an accredited leadership college for young adults. We provide higher education with a practicum component that includes Christian life skills, ministry skills, and personalized mentoring.

ECLI combines practical ministry experience with relevant academics and teaches personal and professional skills that are pertinent in our 21st century world for maturing Christian young adults.

Why Element Church Leadership Institute?

Experience Knowing God

Develop a personal relationship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


Experience God’s Word

Study scripture for today’s life experience.

TIMOTHY 3:16-17

Experience Serving 

Investing in the lives others while investing in yours.


Experience Loving Others

Commit to a life of faith and charity.

HEBREWS 10:24-25

Experience Leading

Become the Christian leader you were destined to be in Christ.

MATTHEW 28:19-20

If you have any questions or looking for more info click the button below.

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